Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions ›› 2018, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (5): 421-427.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1226.2018.00421

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Effect of slow-release iron fertilizer on iron-deficiency chlorosis, yield and quality of Lilium davidii var. unicolor in a two-year field experiment

Yang Qiu,ZhongKui Xie*(),XinPing Wang,YaJun Wang,YuBao Zhang,YuHui He,WenMei Li,WenCong Lv   

  1. Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, Gansu 730000, China
  • Received:2018-04-17 Accepted:2018-06-13 Online:2018-11-19 Published:2018-11-21
  • Contact: ZhongKui Xie
  • Supported by:
    This research was supported by China's National Natural Science Foundation (No. 41501043), by the "West Light" project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and by the project of 60th Chinese postdoctorate science fund (No. 2016M602904).


Iron deficiency chlorosis of Lilium davidii var. unicolor is often the case in practice in alkaline soils of northwest region of China. It is difficult to control iron chlorosis because of high cost and short effective work time of conventional iron fertilizers. In this study, a 2-year field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of two slow-release fertilizers on the suppression of iron deficiency chlorosis, soil chemical properties, and the yield and quality of L. davidii var. unicolor. Results show that both coated slow-release iron fertilizers and embedded slow-release iron fertilizer effectively controlled iron-deficiency chlorosis. The application of slow-release iron fertilizers significantly increased plant height and chlorophyll content of L. davidii var. unicolor at different growth stages. Furthermore, coated iron fertilizer application significantly increased starch, protein, soluble sugar and vitamin C content of L. davidii var. unicolor, and it also significantly improved total amino acid content, with increases in essential amino acids (Trp, Leu, Lys, Phe, Val, and Thr contents) and in nonessential amino acids (Asp, Glu, Cit, Ihs, Acc, Ala, Pro, and Cys contents). It was concluded that application of coated slow-release iron fertilizer could be a promising option for suppression of iron deficiency chlorosis and deserves further study.

Key words: slow-release fertilizer, iron-deficiency chlorosis, Lilium davidii var. unicolor, long-term

Table 1

Initial soil properties of the 0–40 cm soil layer of the experimental site"

Soil properties Value
pH 8.3
Total carbon (g/kg) 9.4
Total nitrogen (g/kg) 0.77
Total phosphorus (g/kg) 0.77
Available phosphorus (mg/kg) 20.16
Sand (g/kg) 123.2
Silt (g/kg) 669.1
Clay (g/kg) 208.7
CaCO3(g/kg) 133.7
Fe (%) 2.92
Mn (%) 0.071
Zn (%) 0.012

Table 2

Selected soil chemical properties from different treatments in 2016 after harvest"

Treatment pH TC (mg/kg) TN (mg/kg) TP (mg/kg) AP (mg/kg) Fe (%)
A 8.8a 9.2a 0.78a 1.04a 32.21a 3.31a
B 8.6a 9.2a 0.76a 0.98a 19.82b 3.24a
C 8.6a 9.0a 0.79a 0.99a 20.99b 3.10a
D 8.9a 8.9a 0.80a 0.95a 21.42b 3.11a

Table 3

Changes of efficient iron in soils at several stages of growth"

Time A (mg/kg) B (mg/kg) C (mg/kg) D (mg/kg)
Seeding stage 15.43a 32.62b 45.89c 8.75d
Budding stage 22.27a 19.89a 14.23b 10.17c
Flowering stage 24.87a 14.15b 12.19b 11.84b

Figure 1

Changes in plant height of Lilium davidii var. unicolor in various treatments at three stages of growth. Values of a parameter followed by a different letter indicate a significant difference between treatments (p <0.05) "

Figure 2

Changes in chlorophyll content of Lilium davidii var. unicolor in various treatments at three stages of growth. Values of a parameter followed by a different letter indicate a significant difference between treatments (p <0.05) "

Table 4

Effect of different treatments on iron-deficiency chlorosis at the flowering stage"

Treatment Rate of iron-deficiency chlorosis in 2015 Rate of iron-deficiency chlorosis in 2016
A 6.81% 5.42%
B 2.91% 2.50%
C 12.25% 11.42%
D 15.83% 17.92%

Table 5

Yields of Lilium davidii var. unicolor in different treatments after two years of growth "

Item Treatments
Biennial lily yield (kg/hm2) 9,312.35±694.34 10,392.30±519.24 8,517.18±375.98 8,072.72±232.73
Increase over D (%) 15.36 28.73 5.51

Table 6

Nutrient quality of Lilium davidii var. unicolor from different treatments "

Treatment Starch
(mg/g FW)
(mg/g FW)
(mg/g FW)
Soluble sugar
(mg/g FW)
Reducing sugar
(mg/g FW)
(nmol/g FW)
A 149 a 485 a 151 a 159 a 55.54 a 309.7 a
B 145 a 518 a 158 a 180 b 55.68 a 350.6 b
C 135 b 500 a 139 c 161 a 55.12 a 302.2 a
D 130 b 502 a 134 c 150 c 56.22 a 300.1 a

Table 7

Effect of different treatments on amino acids"

Amino acid Treatments
EAA Trp 42.52a 45.36a 35.59b 37.55b
Leu 1,440.23a 1,636.32b 1,482.31a 1,412.85a
Lys 688.63a 740.62b 665.72a 625.11c
Ile 168.36a 175.31b 162.62a 174.23b
Phe 560.49a 596.32b 564.38a 549.38a
Met 250.33a 285.96b 241.98a 280.63b
Val 535.22a 576.64b 532.42a 540.38a
TEAA Thr 641.43a 632.15a 602.39b 609.65b
4,327.21a 4,688.68b 4,287.41ac 4,229.78c
Asp 1,915.98a 1,735.68b 1,711.52b 1,700.63b
NEAA Glu 5,623.32a 6,302.41b 5,233.67a 4,681.19c
Cit 81.57a 101.39b 82.53a 80.43a
Ser 625.88a 795.56b 688.16a 779.17b
Gly 538.74a 689.92b 665.22b 667.54b
His 180.5a 250.16b 170.31a 170.57a
Can 18.77a 14.56b 15.27b 16.03c
Arg 537.81a 624.02b 558.13a 600.15b
Acc 684.39a 582.51b 410.09c 339.47d
Ala 412.05a 470.81b 422.36a 438.44a
TNEAA Pro 1,101.76a 1,873.12b 1,074.28a 1,056.99a
Tyr 208.45a 274.37b 259.24b 291.43c
Cys 76.68a 103.34b 75.73a 76.93a
16,342.9a 18,506.53b 15,645.92c 15,128.75c
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