Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions ›› 2019, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (6): 407-418.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1226.2019.00407.

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Influence of proximity to the Qinghai-Tibet highway and railway on variations of soil heavy metal concentrations and bacterial community diversity on the Tibetan Plateau

Xia Zhao1,2,JunFeng Wang3,Yun Wang4,Xiang Lu1,2,ShaoFang Liu1,2,YuBao Zhang1,2,ZhiHong Guo1,2,ZhongKui Xie1,2,RuoYu Wang1,2()   

  1. 1. Gaolan Station of Agricultural and Ecological Experiment, Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, Gansu 730000, China
    2. Key Laboratory of Stress Physiology and Ecology in Cold and Arid Regions of Gansu Province, Lanzhou, Gansu 730000, China
    3. State Key Laboratory of Frozen Soil Engineering, Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, Gansu 730000, China
    4. Key Laboratory of Desert and Desertification, Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, Gansu 730000, China
  • Received:2019-06-25 Accepted:2019-10-17 Online:2019-12-31 Published:2020-01-07
  • Contact: RuoYu Wang


An understanding of soil microbial communities is crucial in roadside soil environmental assessments. The 16S rRNA sequencing of a stressed microbial community in soil adjacent to the Qinghai-Tibet Highway (QTH) revealed that the accumulation of heavy metals (over about 10 years) has affected the diversity of bacterial abundance and microbial community structure. The proximity of a sampling site to the QTH/Qinghai-Tibet Railway (QTR), which is effectively a measure of the density of human engineering, was the dominant factor influencing bacterial community diversity. The diversity of bacterial communities shows that 16S rRNA gene abundance decreased in relation to proximity to the QTH and QTR in both alpine wetland and meadow areas. The dominant phyla across all samples were Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria. The concentration of Cr and Cd in the soil were positively correlated with proximity to the QTH and QTR (MC/WC sampling sites), and Ni, Co, and V were positively correlated with proximity to the QTH and QTR (MA/WA sampling sites). The results presented in this study provide an insight into the relationships among heavy metals and soil microbial communities, and have important implications for assessing and predicting the impacts of human-induced activities from the QTH and QTR in such an extreme and fragile environment.

Key words: Qinghai-Tibet Highway (QTH), Qinghai-Tibet Railway (QTR), soil bacterial community, alpine wetland, alpine meadow, heavy metal

Figure 1

A geographic map showing the locations of sampling sites on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP), China. All 24 samples (three from each of the MA, WA, MB, WB, MC, WC, MCK, and WCK sites) were collected at the same distance (10 m) from the Qinghai-Tibet Highway (QTH) roadside in alpine wetland and meadow ecotype areas. There were three replicates at each sampling site (red dots). In the naming of these samples, A, B, and C indicate increasing distance from the Qinghai-Tibet Railway (QTR) (i.e., from near to far)"

Figure 2

Richness and alpha diversity indices (operational taxonomic units (OTUs), Chao1, Shannon, and Simpson) Pooled samples from the MA, WA, MB, WB, MC, WC, MCK, and WCK sites were used to calculate alpha diversity indices"

Figure 3

Phylum distribution (a) Relative abundance of the dominant bacterial phyla at different distances from the Qinghai-Tibet Highway (QTH) and Qinghai-Tibet Railway (QTR); (b) Principal component analysis (PCA) of phylum abundance data using Canoco 5.0 software"

Table 1

Descriptive statistics of heavy metal concentrations (mg/kg) in soils"

Location and data format V Cr Co Ni Cu Zn Cd Pb
WA, n=3 Mean 92.63 79.19 10.96 27.45 34.45 293.13 0.62 62.43
SD 11.09 12.44 0.25 0.69 6.92 113.14 0.15 10.41
WB, n=3 Mean 81.78 89.62 9.37 24.33 25.16 141.16 0.22 44.88
SD 5.35 27.13 1.75 3.55 7.58 26.08 0.06 14.84
WC, n=3 Mean 110.20 80.37 11.46 30.95 30.78 220.82 0.57 74.68
SD 14.30 5.96 0.72 2.91 6.59 95.69 0.14 21.46
WCK, n=3 Mean 93.95 77.41 8.89 25.27 17.73 124.90 0.85 39.31
SD 2.57 7.96 0.29 0.66 1.20 23.80 0.06 2.85
MA, n=3 Mean 79.28 90.67 8.16 22.37 23.78 100.72 0.55 64.18
SD 4.14 13.05 0.36 1.04 3.61 19.68 0.12 22.19
MB, n=3 Mean 90.85 113.34 8.30 22.84 21.49 84.29 0.82 33.36
SD 2.47 16.89 0.28 1.09 1.70 7.44 0.09 0.75
MC, n=3 Mean 111.95 68.72 10.59 27.58 20.20 93.40 0.41 21.91
SD 39.83 19.63 3.79 10.21 3.69 37.40 0.11 4.60
MCK, n=3 Mean 86.86 78.35 7.45 20.64 17.11 57.05 0.39 21.60
SD 13.87 15.15 0.24 0.55 1.17 2.94 0.14 1.12
Upper continental crust a 135 100 25 75 55 70 0.2 12.5
Background of United Statesb 80 54 9.1 19 25 60 - 19
Background of mainland Chinac 82.4 61.0 12.7 26.9 22.6 74.2 0.097 26.0
Background of Tibet, Chinad 75.9 77.4 11.6 32.1 21.9 73.7 0.080 28.9

Table 2

Spearman's correlations between the distance from the Qinghai-Tibet Highway (QTH) and Qinghai-Tibet Railway (QTR) and environmental attributes in the studied soils"

Environmental attribute (ppm) r value Environmental attribute r value
Ni 0.732** SWC (%) 0.639**
Co 0.671** Clay (%) 0.257
V 0.643** Sand (%) 0.218
Cr 0.293 Silt (%) 0.226
Cd 0.170 pH 0.172
Pb 0.148 TOC (g/kg) 0.153
Zn 0.111 TN (g/kg) 0.123
Cu 0.041

Figure 4

Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) of environmental variables and phylum level community in samples from wetland and meadow areas. There were 15 environmental variables, including seven general physiological (TOC, TN, pH, SWC, and soil texture) and eight heavy metal (Ni, V, Co, Cr, Cd, Pb, Cu, and Zn) concentrations. TOC = total organic carbon; TN = dissolved total N; SWC = soil water content. The length of each arrow indicates the contribution of the corresponding parameter to the structural variation"

Table S1

Diversity indices used in this study"

Ecotype Sample OTU ACE Chao1 Simpson Shannon
Wetland WA 1,574 1,695.227 1,736.489 0.005077 6.224894
WB 1,263 1,393.692 1,412.309 0.011911 5.747849
WC 1,102 1,264.734 1,307.554 0.006491 5.791363
Meadow MA 1,379 1,531.274 1,531.274 0.014792 5.666308
MB 1,356 1,502.562 1,514.474 0.014312 5.627286
MC 1,258 1,435.597 1,473.981 0.008527 5.794125

Table S2

Correlation matrix for the OUT in different QTH/QTR distance"

MA/WA 0.034895 0.014613 0.328403
MB/WB 0.152504 0.252389
MC/WC 0.060061

Table S3

Soil physicochemical properties"

Sample ID H2O (%) Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%) TN (g/kg) TOC (g/kg) pH
WA1 9.86 3.0 61 36.0 1.84 4.85 8.54
WA2 4.39 4.0 49 47.0 1.03 3.72 8.54
WA3 7.29 5.0 46 49.0 1.07 5.04 8.40
WB1 28.14 5.0 47 48.0 2.22 18.35 8.10
WB2 36.99 10.0 52 38.0 2.31 24.25 8.33
WB3 24.04 4.0 62 34.0 2.32 14.98 8.16
WC1 24.89 9.0 51 40.0 1.97 13.75 8.24
WC2 15.06 6.0 38 56.0 0.68 6.44 8.70
WC3 20.34 7.0 29 64.0 1.03 8.29 8.15
MA1 1.39 4.0 50 46.0 0.76 4.99 8.43
MA2 1.14 5.5 33 61.5 1.07 5.89 8.36
MA3 1.73 5.5 47 47.5 0.79 6.35 8.26
MB1 1.65 7.0 48 45.0 0.78 4.45 8.37
MB2 0.64 9.0 39 52.0 1.31 4.38 8.34
MB3 1.05 11.0 41.5 49.0 1.05 4.89 8.18
MC1 11.63 5.0 47 48.0 0.70 2.29 8.54
MC2 9.37 4.0 44 52.0 0.67 1.64 8.55
MC3 12.80 2.5 41.5 56.0 0.90 2.94 8.30

Figure S1

(a) Indicator microbial groups in alpine wetland and meadow areas with LDA score higher than 4. (b) Histogram of the significant difference taxa relative abundances in family level are differential. Wetland and meadow samples are colored with different background. The Alpine wetland was colored with blue and meadow was colored with yellow. Subclasses (distance from QTR) are separated by a black column and the mean and median of relative abundance by solid and dashed lines, respectively"

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