Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions ›› 2015, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (5): 482491.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1226.2015.00482
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Freeze-thaw performance of chemically stabilized natural and recycled highway materials
Tuncer B. Edil1, Bora Cetin2
- 1. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, 53706, USA
2. College of Engineering, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, 30602, USA
Freeze-thaw performance of chemically stabilized natural and recycled highway materials
Tuncer B. Edil1, Bora Cetin2
- 1. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, 53706, USA
2. College of Engineering, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, 30602, USA
摘要: This article provides an overview of several previous studies that investigated the stiffness and strength performance of chemically stabilized roadway materials under winter conditions (freeze-thaw cycling). The objective of this research was to understand the behavior of different materials stabilized with different type of binders when they were subjected to freeze-thaw cycling. Nine different materials including natural soils (organic soil, clay, silt, sand, and road surface gravel), reclaimed pavement material, and recycled asphalt pavement stabilized with nine different binders (five different fly ashes, lime, cement, lime kiln dust, cement kiln dust) were discussed. This article investigated how the volume, resilient modulus and unconfined compressive strength of soils/materials stabilized with different binders change in response to freeze-thaw cycling. Overall, the review results indicate that the stiffness and strength of all stabilized materials decrease somewhat with freeze-thaw cycling. However, the reduced strength and stiffness of stabilized materials after freeze-thaw cycling was still higher than that of unstabilized-unfrozen original soils and materials. In addition, materials stabilized with cement kiln dust provided the best performance against freeze-thaw cycling.
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