Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions  2016, 8 (1): 36-45   PDF    

Article Information

Ojo M. Oseni, Adekunle A. Adelusi, Esther O. Dada, Abdulfatai B. Rufai. 2016.
Effects of heavy metal (Pb) concentration on some growth parameters of plants grown in lead polluted soil under organic fertilizer amendment
Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 8(1): 36-45

Article History

Received: June 9, 2015
Accepted: September 14, 2015
Effects of heavy metal (Pb) concentration on some growth parameters of plants grown in lead polluted soil under organic fertilizer amendment
Ojo M. Oseni1 , Adekunle A. Adelusi1, Esther O. Dada2, Abdulfatai B. Rufai1     
1. Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria;
2. Department of Biological Sciences(Ecology and Environmental Studies Unit), Joseph Ayo Babalola University, Ikeji-Arakeji, Nigeria
Abstract: This study investigated morphological variation and biomass accumulation that occurred in Sida acuta and Chromolaena odorata plants grown in lead polluted soil under organic fertilizer amendment. The study was carried out in the screen house at the Biological Gardens of the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State. The experiment was a factorial combination of one heavy metal (Pb) at five levels of concentration (0, 200, 400, 800 and 1,000 mg/kg) in a completely randomized design, and were replicated three times for each of the two plants and two levels (0 g/kg and 9.4 g/kg) of organic fertilizer (OBD-Plus). Each pot was filled with 5 kg of air-dried and sieved soil and placed on a plastic tray for the collection of excess water. Two weeks after planting, seedlings of uniform height were transplanted from the nursery to experimental pots at the rate of one seedling per pot and grown for 10 weeks. The growth parameters of the plants were biomonitored for 7 weeks. After 10 weeks of treatment, the plants were harvested and dried to calculate the biomass accumulation. The two plant species performed better under fertilizer application than without it. For each of the plant species the growth parameters decreased as the levels of Pb concentration increased. Furthermore, the plants' biomass decreased significantly (p<0.05) as the levels of Pb concentration increased. The organic fertilizer helped to improve the plants' performance in lead-polluted soil.
Key words: morphological variation     organic fertilizer     lead     biomonitored     biomass    

1 Introduction

In an ecological study,any metal or metalloid that causes environmental problems which cannot be biologically degraded should be considered as a heavy metal. Heavy metals are natural components of the Earth's crust,but in many ecosystems the concentration of several heavy metals has reached toxic levels as a consequence of anthropogenic activities. Many industries,such as textiles,metal production,electroplating,battery and cable manufacturing,mining,tanneries,steel production, and automotive manufacturing,release heavy metals such as cadmium,copper,chromium,nickel, and lead in waste waters(Srinivas et al., 2013). Fifty-three elements are categorized as heavy metals,defined as the group of elements whose densities are greater than 5 g/cm3 and recognized as ubiquitous environmental contaminants in industrialized societies(Padmavathiamma and Loretta, 2007). The most common heavy metals at hazardous waste sites are cadmium(Cd),chromium(Cr),copper(Cu),lead(Pb),mercury(Hg),nickel(Ni), and zinc(Zn)(USEPA,1997).

Lead(Pb),with atomic number 82,atomic weight of 207.19, and a specific gravity of 11.34,is a bluish-grey metal that occurs naturally in minute amounts within the Earth's crust. It has also been referred to as plumbum,lead metal, and pigment metal. Lead contamination is common in the environment because of its wide applications(Jeanna,2000); industrial processes that involve the use of Pb include mining,smelting,manufacture of pesticides and fertilizers,dumping of municipal sewage, and the burning of fossil fuels that contain Pb additives. Many commercial products and materials also contain Pb,including paints,ceramic glazes,television glass,batteries,medical equipment(e.g.,X-ray shields,fetal monitors), and electrical equipment. Presently,the use of Pb in the production of ammunition has also increased tremendously.

One of the greatest risks to human health is Pb contamination(Lasat,2000). Pb is a major natural as well as anthropogenic pollutant and has accumulated in many different terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems(Verma and Dubey, 2003). In 2000,U.S. Environmental Protection Agency listed Pb as a potential carcinogenic element in nature. Inhalation and ingestion are the two major routes of human exposure, and the effects from both are the same(Jeanna,2000). Pb accumulates in the body organs,which may lead to poisoning or even death. The gastrointestinal tract,kidneys, and central nervous system are also affected by the presence of Pb. Children exposed to Pb are at risk of impaired development,lower IQ,shortened attention span,hyperactivity, and mental deterioration,with children under the age of six being at a more substantial risk(Jeanna,2000). Adults usually experience decreased reaction time,loss of memory,nausea,insomnia,anorexia, and weakness of joints when exposed to Pb.

Pb has limited solubility in soil and is generally not available for plant uptake due to complexation with organic matter,sorption on oxides and clays,or precipitation as carbonates,hydroxides, and phosphate. Hence,the two major limitations of Pb phytoremediation are low bioavailability in soil and poor translocation from root to shoot. Adding organic fertilizer could improve soil structure and then promote desorption of Pb out of the soil surface,thus enhancing its bioavailabilite. Zhang et al.(2009)found that continuously adding organic fertilizer inhibits the activity of Pb,Hg, and Cd. because the organic fertilizer increases the soil organic matter and then inhibits the activity of metals.

Heavy metals such as Cd and Pb are non-essential elements for plants. Accumulation of high concentrations of these elements in plants,usually affects the absorption and transport of essential elements,which disturbs the plant metabolism and impairs plant growth and reproduction(Xu and Shi, 2000). Thus plants,like all living organisms,have evolved a suite of mechanisms that control and respond to the uptake and accumulation of both essential and non-essential heavy metals. The two best-characterized heavy-metal-binding lig and s in plant cells are the phytochelatins(PCs) and metallothioneins(MTs). PCs and MTs are different classes of cysteine-rich,heavy-metal-binding protein molecules. PCs are enzymatically synthesized peptides,whereas MTs are gene-encoded polypeptides(Cobbett and Goldsbrough, 2002). Energy is also required for the translocation of metals from root to shoot as well as for their allocation to various tissues and cell types. Heavy metals affect the cell division of plants, and the effects are different and depend on the concentration.

The plants studied here were Sida acuta Burm. F. and Chromolaena odorata(L.)R. M. King & H. Robinson. Hence,this study was designed to determine the morphological variations that occur in each of the plant species grown in Pb polluted soil and their biomass accumulation.

2 Materials and methods 2.1 Study area

The study was carried out in a screen house in the Biological Gardens of Obafemi Awolowo University campus,Ile-Ife,Nigeria. The experiment was carried out in February 2014, and the average temperature in the screen house was 35.2 °C and the light intensity was 11,380 lux.

2.2 Collection of materials

Samples of top soils were r and omly collected from depths of 0-20 cm at the back of the Botany Department,Obafemi Awolowo University. The soil samples were air-dried for a week and then sieved using 2-mm mesh gauze to remove debris and stones. Seven-liter plastic pots of 23-cm diameter were used for the experiment. In order to allow aeration,the plastic pots were perforated at the base using a soldering iron. Viable seeds of Sida acuta and Chromolaena odorata were obtained from the wild.

2.3 Experimental design

The experiment was a factorial combination of Pb at five levels of concentration(0,200,400,800 and 1,000 mg/kg)laid out in a completely r and omized design and replicated three times with two plants and two levels(0 g/kg and 9.4 g/kg)of organic fertilizer OBD-Plus at the rates of 0 kg and 40 kg per hectare.

2.4 Pre-planting operations 2.4.1 Physical and chemical analysis of soil

The collected soil samples were analyzed for particle size distribution using the hydrometer method(Bouyoucos,1962), and the soil pH was determined following the procedure outlined by Eckerts and Sims(1995). The soil organic matter was determined using the Walkley and Black(1934)chromic acid digestion procedure,while the total nitrogen(N)was determined by the modified micro-Kjeldahl method(Bremner and Mulvaney, 1982). The samples were digested with a concentration of H2SO4 in the presence of H2O2 at 350 °C and the nitrogen in each digested sample was determined using the steam distillation technique(Keeney and Bremner, 1966). Available phosphorus was extracted using Bray-1 extractant(Bray and Kurtz, 1945), and after the extraction the phosphorus in the solution was determined using a Spectronic 20 atomic absorption spectrophotometer(AAS)set at 600-nm wavelength. Exchangeable cations were extracted with 0.01 M NH4OAc(ammonium acetate)solution at pH 7.0, and magnesium and calcium ions in the extract were determined using the Spectronic 20. Potassium and sodium ions in the solution were determined using a Gallenkamp flame photometer(Tel and Hargert, 1984).

2.4.2 Preparation of plant seedlings

A nursery bed of 2 m2 containing 50 seedlings was prepared for the two plants species and the seeds were planted at a depth of 2 cm. The nursery bed was watered to field capacity.

2.4.3 Preparation of Pb solution and the fertilizer amendment

The heavy metal used in the experiment was Pb, and Pb(II)nitrate {Pb(NO3)2} salt served as the source of the Pb used. Known weights of Pb with respect to each concentration of 0,200,400,800 and 1,000 mg/kg weredispensed into 1-L volumetric flasks,allowed to dissolve, and shaken vigorously. The resultant solutions were dispensed in a sterile bottle,allow to settle, and were ready for use. Organic fertilizer OBD-Plus with a nitrogen(N)content of 0.95% was used to augment the soil at concentrations of 0 g/kg and 9.4 g/kg,at the rates of 0 kg and 40 kg,respectively,per hectare.

2.4.4 Pollution of soil

Each pot was labeled using a permanent maker with respect to the concentration of heavy metal and fertilizer applied. A plastic tray was placed under each pot for the collection of excess water to prevent loss of pollutants. After the application of the pollutant,the pots were left for one week to allow for equilibration. Thereafter,organic fertilizer was applied to augment the soil.

2.5 Transplanting to polluted soil

Two weeks after germination of the seeds in the nursery bed,the seedlings with good growth and uniform height were selected and transplanted to each experimental pot which were 60 pots in total at the rate of one seedling per pot and were well watered.

2.6 Post-planting operations 2.6.1 Biomonitoring of the growth parameters

A week after transplanting,the growth parameters of the selected medicinal plants were measured. These were plant height,number of leaves, and leaf breadth and length. Plant height,breadth and length were measured using a 1-m ruler; the number of leaves was counted at each pot. This was done once a week for seven weeks. The leaf area was calculated using the method of Osei-Yeboah et al.(1983). The leaf area was calculated as: Leaf area = leaf length × leaf breadth × correction factor. The correction factor of Sida acuta and Chromolaena odorata was 0.7. Using leaf area meter,correct leaf area of the plants were determined. Correct leaf area divided by leaf length × leaf breadth gives the correction factor.

2.6.2 Harvesting

At 10 weeks after treatment,all the plants were carefully harvested and each plant sample was rinsed with tap water, and water droplets were removed using blotting papers. The plants were separated into roots and shoots and weighed using an electronic compact scale.

2.7 Laboratory analysis 2.7.1 Assessment of the biomass of the medicinal plants

The fresh weights of the shoots and roots were determined using a beam balance. This was done immediately after harvesting to prevent loss of moisture. The shoots and roots samples were then dried in the oven at 70 °C until they were well dried. After drying,the weights of the dried shoots and roots samples were determined. The dry matter yield was calculated from the wet and dry weights of the plant samples.

2.8 Statistical analysis

We conducted separate analyses of variance for the different plants species at different treatments, and mean separation by Fisher's least significant difference(LSD)for shoot height,number of leaves,leaf area, and biomass accumulation. All analyses were carried out using SAS version 9.2.

3 Results 3.1 Physical and chemical properties of the soil used in the experiment

The physical and chemical characteristics of the soil used in the screen house study are presented in Table 1. The textural classification of the soil was loamy s and . The pH in 1:1 soil to water was 5.8 for the topsoil,indicating a slightly acidic soil condition. The organic carbon content of the soil was 40.10 g/kg,while nitrogen(N),phosphorus(P), and potassium(K)values were 3.30,10.4, and 2,605 mg/kg,respectively. The calcium(Ca) and magnesium(Mg)contents were 31.0 and 2,432.5 mg/kg,respectively,with a Pb concentration of 0.098 mg/kg.

Table 1 Physical and chemical characteristics of soil used for the study
Characteristics Value
pH in water (H2O) 5.8
Organic carbon (g/kg) 40.10
N (mg/kg) 3.30
Clay (%) 6.8
Silt (%) 4.0
Sand (%) 89
P (mg/kg) 10.4
Ca (mg/kg) 31.0
Mg (mg/kg) 2,432.5
K (mg/kg) 2,605
Na (mg/kg) 272.5
Pb (mg/kg) 0.098
3.2 Growth performance of Sida acuta 3.2.1 Shoot height

The shoot heights of Sida acuta plants grown in different levels of Pb concentration without and with fertilizer application are shown in Table 2. From the results,the shoot heights of the plants in all the treatments increased across the study period. At 200 mg/kg Pb without and with fertilizer application,there was no significant difference in the shoot height of Sida acuta,except week 7 under fertilizer application(50.87 cm),when compared with the control plants. At higher Pb concentration levels(800 and 1,000 mg/kg),there was a significant difference(p <0.05)in the shoot heights of Sida acuta when compared with the controls.

Table 2 Shoot height of Sida acuta after weeks of treatment without and with fertilizer application
Pb concentration (mg/kg) Shoot height at weeks after treatment (cm)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
NF 0 15.57a 19.07a 26.43a 30.20a 36.56a 41.10a 44.10a
200 14.13ab 18.77a 25.56ab 29.60a 34.46a 37.03a 41.40ab
400 11.13bc 16.80a 21.03bc 24.80ab 30.07ab 35.17a 38.13b
800 8.10cd 12.57b 17.93cd 21.26bc 24.87bc 27.33b 30.80c
1,000 7.10d 10.60b 15.23d 17.53c 21.53c 24.30b 25.93c
LSD 3.20 3.18 4.98 7.88 7.29 5.98 5.67
F 0 13.20a 19.20a 27.47a 33.60a 43.00a 48.77a 57.00a
200 13.07a 18.63a 25.30a 32.17a 40.90a 44.77b 50.87b
400 12.60a 15.80abc 20.70b 24.00b 29.27b 33.70c 39.37c
800 11.07a 15.17bc 19.77b 23.10b 28.63b 32.70cd 37.60cd
1,000 10.60a 13.43c 18.37b 19.93b 25.97b 29.47d 33.13d
LSD 4.07 1.81 3.95 5.59 5.20 3.55 5.68
NF, no fertilizer; F, fertilizer; LSD, least significant difference. Numbers with the same letters within the column are not significantly different at p <0.05.
3.2.2 Number of leaves

Table 3 presents the number of leaves of Sida acuta without and with fertilizer application. Without fertilizer application,only those of weeks 1 to 3 at a low level of Pb concentration(200 mg/kg)showed no significant difference from the control. Other levels of Pb concentration showed significant differences from the control. At 200 mg/kg of Pb concentration under fertilizer application,there was no significant difference in the number of leaves of Sida acuta when compared with control. Also in weeks 1 and 3 with fertilizer application,there was no significant difference in the number of leaves across the weeks,except at 400 mg/kg Pb concentration(15.33 cm)which showed significant difference from the control. As the Pb concentration levels increased,the number of leaves of Sida acuta decreased significantly(p <0.05)from the control.

Table 3 Number of leaves of Sida acuta after weeks of treatment without and with fertilizer application
Pb concentration (mg/kg) Number of leaves at weeks after treatment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
NF 0 7.33a 10.00a 12.33a 17.33a 21.00a 23.00a 26.67a
200 5.33ab 7.33ba 10.33a 12.67b 15.00b 16.67b 19.33b
400 5.33ab 6.67bc 9.00ba 11.67b 12.67b 15.33b 18.33b
800 4.67b 5.33bc 8.00ba 10.67bc 12.33b 14.67bc 16.67bc
1,000 2.67c 4.00c 5.00b 7.00c 7.67c 10.33c 13.00c
LSD 2.53 3.11 4.86 4.60 4.20 4.53 5.22
F 0 8.67a 13.33a 19.00a 25.33a 29.67a 38.00a 45.00a
200 8.00a 11.33ba 16.00ab 22.33a 26.67a 36.67a 43.33a
400 8.00a 10.67b 15.33b 18.00b 21.00b 29.67b 37.00b
800 8.00a 10.00b 16.00ba 15.67bc 20.00b 27.67b 34.33b
1,000 8.00a 10.67b 16.00ba 13.67c 17.33b 22.67c 29.33c
LSD 0.97 2.48 3.10 3.76 4.61 4.05 4.04
NF, no fertilizer; F, fertilizer; LSD, least significant difference. Numbers with the same letters within the column are not significantly different at p <0.05.
3.2.3 Leaf area

Table 4 shows the leaf areas of Sida acuta grown in different levels of Pb concentration without and with fertilizer. At the 200 mg/kg Pb concentration level both without and with fertilizer application,there was no significant difference in the leaf area of Sida acuta when compared with the control. Furthermore,the leaf area in week 1 without fertilizer application showed no significant difference at all the levels of Pb concentration. However,at high levels of Pb concentration(400-1,000 mg/kg),there were significant differences(p <0.05)in the leaf area of Sida acuta when compared with the control.

Table 4 Leaf area of Sida acuta after weeks of treatment without and with fertilizer application
Pb concentration (mg/kg) Leaf area at weeks after treatment (cm2)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
NF 0 8.05a 17.03a 26.56a 31.03a 34.46a 36.98a 40.05a
200 7.73a 13.17a 23.27ab 27.15ab 29.04ab 34.27a 38.23a
400 8.23a 10.61ab 12.74bc 18.95bc 21.33bc 25.15b 27.65b
800 8.46a 12.81ab 15.39abc 15.72c 19.95c 23.24b 26.84bc
1,000 8.50a 10.15b 9.89c 14.87c 17.22c 18.35b 21.45c
LSD 1.30 6.47 11.88 9.58 7.32 7.16 5.87
F 0 15.46a 25.89a 34.89a 39.26a 45.23a 50.02a 51.61a
200 13.44ab 25.26a 33.47a 36.66a 44.48a 47.02ab 48.74a
400 10.83ab 14.92b 24.06b 28.41ab 31.98b 34.95bc 39.38ab
800 10.25ab 11.46b 13.09c 17.59bc 20.97cb 25.78c 29.53bc
1,000 9.22b 11.35b 12.87c 16.05c 18.63c 21.73c 25.21c
LSD 5.97 7.43 8.13 11.14 11.19 13.72 12.69
NF, no fertilizer; F, fertilizer; LSD, least significant difference. Numbers with the same letters within the column are not significantly different at p <0.05.
3.3 Growth parameters of Chromolaena odorata 3.3.1 Shoot height

The shoot heights of the Chromolaena odorata in the different Pb concentration levels without and with fertilizer application are shown in Table 5. At weeks 1,3,4, and 5 without fertilizer application,there was no significant difference at all the Pb concentration levels when compared with the control. Also,weeks 1,2,3, and 5 with fertilizer application showed no significant differences at all the levels of Pb concentration when compared with the control. Other treatments showed significant differences(p <0.05)when compared with the control.

Table 5 Shoot height of Chromolaena odorata after weeks of treatment without and with fertilizer application
Pb concentration (mg/kg) Shoot height at weeks after treatment (cm)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
NF 0 5.17a 12.10a 19.97a 26.50a 38.70a 54.17a 71.70a
200 5.43a 9.40a 18.53a 24.03a 38.37a 47.93ab 65.53ab
400 5.97a 8.67ab 15.30a 18.73a 33.03a 41.70ab 56.40abc
800 3.07a 6.43b 9.27a 15.27a 26.90a 35.60ab 42.77c
1,000 3.93a 4.80b 8.87a 12.43a 20.97a 28.40b 38.03c
LSD 3.25 5.28 11.86 15.50 19.83 24.88 25.70
F 0 4.50a 12.27a 21.07a 37.77a 51.17a 73.03a 92.20a
200 4.93a 10.83a 17.57a 24.80ab 38.67a 54.80ab 80.10ab
400 5.77a 10.67a 16.97a 22.43b 36.17a 50.70ab 60.83bc
800 4.10a 9.73a 15.77a 21.23b 32.93a 44.90b 56.13c
1,000 4.83a 9.70a 15.00a 19.90b 32.93a 44.03b 54.03c
LSD 2.79 7.08 12.18 14.65 22.62 24.72 22.55
NF, no fertilizer; F, fertilizer; LSD, least significant difference. Numbers with the same letters within the column are not significantly different at p <0.05.
3.3.2 Number of leaves

Table 6 shows the number of leaves of Chromolaena odorata at different levels of Pb concentration without and with fertilizer application. At weeks 1,2, and 3 without fertilizer application,there was no significant difference,except at 1,000 mg/kg of Pb at weeks 2 and 3,when compared with the control. Also,at weeks 1,2,3, and 4 with fertilizer application,there was no significant difference in the number of leaves of Chromolaena odorata,except at 1,000 mg/kg of Pb at weeks 3 and 4,when compared with the control. Other levels of treatment showed significant differences(p <0.05)in the number of leaves of Chromolaena odorata when compared with the control.

Table 6 Number of leaves Chromolaena odorata after weeks of treatment without and with fertilizer application
Pb concentration (mg/kg) Number of leaves at weeks after treatment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
NF 0 6.00a 7.67a 8.67a 14.00a 22.67a 30.00a 34.67a
200 5.33a 6.67ab 8.00a 10.33b 15.33b 25.33a 33.66a
400 5.33a 7.00a 7.67a 10.00bc 14.33bc 19.67b 30.66ab
800 5.33a 6.00ab 7.33ab 8.00c 10.67c 18.00b 25.67bc
1,000 4.00a 4.00b 6.00b 8.00c 10.00c 14.66b 20.67c
LSD 2.15 2.79 1.56 2.16 4.51 5.10 5.83
F 0 6.00a 7.33a 10.00a 16.66a 26.67a 38.33a 52.33a
200 4.67a 6.33a 8.67ab 12.66ab 21.33ab 31.33ab 46.67ab
400 6.00a 6.67a 8.33ab 11.67ab 20.00ab 28.00b 39.33bc
800 4.67a 4.67a 8.00ab 10.67ab 18.33ab 27.33b 38.67bc
1,000 5.33a 7.33a 7.67b 10.00b 17.33b 25.33b 43.67c
LSD 1.61 2.92 2.22 6.62 9.18 10.20 9.43
NF, no fertilizer; F, fertilizer; LSD, least significant difference. Numbers with the same letters within the column are not significantly different at p <0.05.
3.3.3 Leaf area

The leaf areas of the Chromolaena odorata at different levels of Pb concentration without and with fertilizer application are shown in Table 7. The leaf areas of Chromolaena odorata without fertilizer application at week 1 showed no significant differences at all the concentration levels when compared with the control. Also,Chromolaena odorata under fertilizer at weeks 1 and 2 showed no significant differences at all the levels of Pb concentrations when compared with the control. At 200 mg/kg of Pb,both without and with fertilizer application,there was no significant difference in the leaf area of Chromolaena odorata when compared with the control,except in week 5 without fertilizer application. As the levels Pb of concentrations increased,there were significant differences(p <0.05)in the leaf area of Chromolaena odorata when compared with the control.

Table 7 Leaf area of Chromolaena odorata after weeks of treatment without and with fertilizer application
Pb concentration (mg/kg) Leaf area at weeks after treatment (cm2)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
NF 0 1.43a 7.53a 15.68a 17.86a 21.99a 24.29a 25.68a
200 1.63a 6.86ba 13.87ab 15.78ab 19.34b 19.94ab 23.52a
400 1.98a 6.60ba 11.09bc 13.44bc 16.85cb 19.66b 21.12ab
800 1.26a 5.15bc 9.09cd 10.45cd 14.79cd 17.05bc 18.39bc
1,000 1.31a 3.19c 6.46d 8.98d 12.56d 14.65c 15.47c
LSD 1.18 2.04 3.28 3.18 2.62 4.35 4.62
F 0 4.03a 11.25a 17.24a 18.52a 24.26a 26.75a 29.20a
200 3.72a 9.69a 13.71ab 16.13a 22.44ab 23.45ba 24.96ab
400 4.72a 8.67a 11.65bc 13.59b 18.24bc 20.64ba 21.75bc
800 3.51a 8.48a 9.62c 11.91b 16.86c 18.90bc 20.46bc
1,000 3.21a 8.05a 8.99c 11.20b 14.69c 16.18c 18.07c
LSD 6.34 8.57 4.05 2.40 5.07 5.03 5.05
NF, no fertilizer; F, fertilizer; LSD, least significant difference. Numbers with the same letters within the column are not significantly different at p < 0.05.
3.4 The plants' biomass accumulation

The biomasses of the two plant species grown in different levels of Pb concentration without and with fertilizer application are shown in Tables 8 and 9,respectively. The biomass in all the treatments decreased across the concentrations of Pb. The higher the levels of Pb concentrations,the lower the biomass accumulation of shoots and roots. There was no significant difference in the two medicinal plants grown in Pb concentrations of 0 and 200 mg/kg of without fertilizer and with fertilizer application,except that shoots of Sida acuta with fertilizer application(10.493 g and 8.443 g of biomass)were significantly different. Others showed significant differences(p <0.05)from the control.

Table 8 Biomass accumulation of Sida acuta without and with fertilizer application
Pb concentration (mg/kg) Biomass accumulation (g)
Shoot (g) Root (g)
NF 0 8.47a 3.43a
200 8.01a 2.67ab
400 6.63ab 2.00bc
800 5.42b 1.70c
1,000 2.80c 0.81d
LSD 2.18 0.85
F 0 10.49a 4.91a
200 8.44b 4.23a
400 6.40c 2.64b
800 5.05cd 2.14b
1,000 4.29d 1.92b
LSD 1.89 1.13
NF, no fertilizer; F, fertilizer; LSD, least significant difference. Numbers with the same letters within the column are not significantly different at p <0.05.
Table 9 Biomass accumulation of Chromolaena odorata without and with fertilizer application
Pb concentration (mg/kg) Biomass accumulation (g)
Shoot (g) Root (g)
NF 0 6.03a 0.59a
200 5.70a 0.55a
400 4.54b 0.44b
800 3.92b 0.34bc
1,000 3.02c 0.28c
LSD 0.77 0.10
F 0 6.65a 0.78a
200 5.91ab 0.68ab
400 4.67cd 0.57abc
800 3.67cd 0.47bc
1,000 3.23d 0.37c
LSD 1.32 0.23
NF, no fertilizer; F, fertilizer; LSD, least significant difference. Numbers with the same letters within the column are not significantly different at p <0.05.
4 Discussion and conclusions

From the experiment,plants treated with organic fertilizer under different levels of Pb concentration showed significantly improved growth parameters than the unfertilized plants under the same various levels Pb concentration. This was in line with the work of Sun et al.(2003) and Lin et al.(2010), and can be attributed to the role of bio-organic fertilization in plant physiology,which provides plants with essential elements. The available nutrients might have helped in enhancing the leaf area,shoot height,number of leaves, and fresh weight of the studied specimens. These results are supported by the findings of Yaduvanshi and Swarup(2000),Muhammad(2008), and Yadana et al.(2009). The increase in fresh weight was also reported by Sarwar et al.(2008). But using different plant species,according to Singh and Agarwal(2001),the increase in leaf numbers as well as size due to sufficient nutrition can be explained in terms of a possible increase in the nutrient absorption capacity of plants as a result of better root development and increased translocation of carbohydrates from the source to the growing points.

At different levels of Pb concentration both without and with fertilizer application,the growth parameters of the two plant species decreased,which may be attributed to excessive accumulation of Pb in the soil. The fresh and dried weights of both roots and shoots were also reduced at different levels of Pb concentrations. This agreed with the experimental observations by Abdul(2010),where an increase in concentration of Pb induced significant growth inhibition in two varieties of maize(Zea mays L.). In addition,Nicholls and Mal(2003)also observed complete and rapid death of the aboveground stems and leaves of Lythrum salicaria L. treated with Pb and Cu. In their experiment,the leaves were affected first,followed shortly by the stems. In our studied,none of the transplanted plants died,but chlorosis and necrosis were observed on some of the leaves,mostly those treated with the highest concentration of Pb. Scanty chlorosis was observed on the leaves of plants treated with organic fertilizer.

It has already been shown by Verma and Dubey(2003),Strubinskai and Hanaka(2011), and Miao et al.(2012)that Pb inhibits plant growth by affecting the biochemical and metabolic processes,which are linked with normal growth parameters and development of plants. A number of other reports(e.g.,Kopyra and Gwozdz, 2003; Atici et al., 2005)have shown that heavy metals,including Pb,diminished plant growth and development. When and how the roots were affected was not apparent until after harvest. There were reductions in the roots of the two plants grown under Pb polluted soil,with the highest Pb concentration showing significant reduction in root length. This was also observed by Faheed(2005) and Kabir et al.(2008). Ouzounidou et al.(1992)demonstrated that the cells of roots were affected more severely by exposure to Cu than other parts of the plant were.They stated that this was because the plant roots were the first contact point of metals; the resultant root length reduction was more prominent in plants under Pb stress.

Moreover,Sharma and Dubey(2005)showed that the physiological processes of plants are affected by fertilization and Pb application,Pb phytotoxicity leads to inhibition of enzyme activities, and distribution of mineral nutrition,water imbalance,change in hormonal status, and alteration in membrane permeability. The photosynthetic apparatus may be especially sensitive to damage from heavy metals(Kovacevic et al., 1999). Heavy metals affect many processes vital to the photosynthetic pathway. For example,excess heavy metals have been shown to negatively affect chlorophyll biosynthesis(Ouzounidou et al., 1992),to alter the action of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase(Cook et al., 1997),to interfere with the dynamics of the thylakoid membrane(Szalontai et al., 1999), and to inhibit the electron transport system in both photosystem I and photosystem II(Ouzounidou et al., 1992).

We studied the effects of applied organic fertlilizer on the growth parameters and the biomass of two medicinal plants,Sida acuta and Chromolaena odorata,grown in Pb-polluted soil. The plants performed better under organic fertilizer application,but the growth parameters and the biomass of the plants decreased as the levels of Pb concentration increased.


We sincerely appreciate the diligence,patience,advice and support of my industrious supervisor,Prof. A. A. Adelusi of the Department of Botany,Faculty of Science,Obafemi Awolowo University,Ile-Ife,Nigeria; for his guidance,constructive criticisms and encouragement which contributed immeasurably to the success of this study. We also appreciate Dr.(Mrs.)O. E. Dada,Department of Biological Sciences(Ecology and Environmental Studies Unit),College of Natural Sciences; Joseph Ayo Babalola University,Ikeji-Arakeji,Nigeria; and Mr. Okunlola Lanre,Biological Sciences Department,Osun State University,Nigeria,for their advice and moral support.

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